In the previous post we have seen how to delete a node of a binary search tree using recursion. Today we will see how to delete a node of BST using a non-recursive function. Let us revisit the 3 scenarios here Deleting a node with no children just link the parent to NULL Deleting a node with one child link the parent to non-null child of node to be deleted Deleting a node with both children select the successor of node to be deleted copy successor's value into this node delete the successor In order to start, we need a function to search for a node in binary search tree. Did you know that searching in a BST is very fast, and is of the order O(logn). To search Start with root Repeat until value is found or node is NULL If the search value is greater than node branch to right If the search value is lesser than node branch to left. Here is the function NODEPTR find_node (NODEPTR root,NODEPTR * parent, int delval) { NODEPTR nd = root; NODEPTR pa = root; if (ro...