One of the commonly used interview question is - how do you reverse a linked list? If you talk about a recursive function to print the list in reverse order, you are so wrong. The question is to reverse the nodes of list. Not print the nodes in reverse order. So how do you go about reversing the nodes. You need to take each node and link it to previous node. But a singly linked list does not have previous pointer. So if n1 is current node, n2 = n1->next, you should set n2->next = NULL But doing this would cut off the list at n2. So the solution is recursion. That is to reverse n nodes n1,n2,n3... of a list, reverse the sub list from n2,n3,n4.... link n2->next to n1 set n1->next to NULL The last step is necessary because, once we reverse the list, first node must become last node and should be pointing to NULL. But now the difficulty is regarding the head? Where is head and how do we set it? Once we reach end of list viz n1->next ==NULL, th...