Insertion sort is slightly better sorting method among O(n2) algorithms. It is effecient if the elements are almost sorted and if the size is small. Insertion sort basically works by splitting your elements into two parts. Sorted half and unsorted half. To begin with, Sorted half is empty and unsorted half has all elements. Then one element is removed from unsorted half and added to the sorted half. When adding , this element is inserted at the correct location. This process is continued till we have all the elements in sorted half and unsorted half is empty. Now let us try to understand it with a diagram. First 17 is removed from unsorted array and added to sorted array. Since there is one element there, it is sorted. Next 4 which is front most element now in unsored array is removed and added to sorted array. But 4 is smaller than 17, so 17 is pushed to right and its place is taken by 4. Next 32 is removed from the front of unsorted array and added to sorted array. But he...